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Soul Sanctuary Company Policy +Values

Here we share Soul Sanctuary’s core values and policies. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact here.



We honor the wellbeing of everybody that is involved with Soul Sanctuary. We value physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellness of all.



We wish to create to continually grow our community of heart centered individuals to be a part of and grow along side. This community will be open, caring, understanding and respectful.


Heart based service:

Our offerings will always be created and held with the intention of doing good for all. We strongly align with leading from the heart.


Being human:

We embrace all that means to be a human. To celebrate successes and to hold space on down days. We see life as a beautiful dance of ‘light and dark’. We embrace it all. 


Key Policies


Refund policy:

We do not provide refunds for your investment once healing sessions or coaching has started, a refund is not possible. However, we will make considerations for refunds in rare incidences such as birth, death, or other life-changing circumstances if the delivery of healing session or coaching is not complete. These considerations will be case by case and can be addressed to


Payment Plan policy:

Payment plans are offered for some containers to assist those who cannot pay in full at that time. If you stop payment or is over 10 days late you will be asked to make the payment or risk being removed from the program.


Rescheduling policy:

If the facilitator is unwell, or has a personal emergencies we will reschedule. We will always aim to give as much advance notice as possible, and to reschedule for a convenient time for the group. 



While we are so proud of all the amazing results we have had and share we cannot guarantee an individuals results of Reiki healing or Holistic coaching sessions or Masterclasses we expect you to always leave having either more clarity, peace or relaxation. Our goal is always for you to have the best possible experience.

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