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Metamorphosis is for women desiring to break free from limitations, awaken their inner power, and create a life that reflects their deepest desires and fullest potential.


1:1 Coaching and Holistic Counselling that changes women's lives, for good! 

​This isn’t just another self-help journey—it’s a completely transformative experience of the mind, the body and soul.


  • Heal Deeply: Release the old patterns, wounds, and beliefs that have held you back from stepping fully into your power, so that you can experience true freedom and inner peace.

  • Rewrite Your Story: Rediscover and embrace your authentic desires, rewrite the narrative of your life, and take back control, so that you can express yourself boldly and live with purpose and intention.

  • Live Empowered: Build unshakeable boundaries and reclaim your confidence, so that you can navigate relationships with ease and show up as the most powerful, authentic version of yourself in every area of your life.

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You've tried....

Therapy, self-help books, online courses, meditation apps, and maybe even wellness retreats.


While these can be helpful, they often only address a single layer of your healing journey so you end up feeling like you're making progress, only to find yourself slipping back into old patterns and feeling stuck all over again.

Which is why I created Metamorphosis, here's how it's different:


It’s Holistic. This program integrates mind, body, and soul for deep, lasting transformation. Unlike other approaches that focus on just one aspect of your growth, Metamorphosis combines mindset coaching, energy healing, emotional release, and embodiment practices to create change at every level.

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Here's Your 12 Week Outline

Metamorphosis is totally bespoke to your needs and desires! Combining mindset mastery, trauma healing, energy healing, self-discovery and confidence building!


Mindset Mastery - Having a mind that works for you, not against you! On the conscious and subconscious levels.

Energy Healing - The missing puzzle piece for so many. If you aren't doing the energy work you are only getting half the results.

Creating Goals - Bye-bye dreaming and hello becoming. 

Emotional + Nervous System Regulation - Create a stable foundation for your success, and reduce anxiety and stress.

Trauma Healing - Release the grip of past trauma, and welcome in a new future from a trauma-informed coach who not only has experience with clients but in her own life too!

Physical wellbeing - Somatic release and healthy habit forming that you will benefit from for years to come! 

Identity Shifting - Become your future self right now. Find out what your authentic desires are and embody them.

Expanding your comfort zone - No more being held back by fear, it's time to make life more fulfilling and create more experiences to lengthen your life. (this is easy once you have done the above ;))

Divine Feminine Activation - Feel the ecstasy that lives within you. Live in flow and with more ease. Sync with your cycle. Learn how to tap into your inner power and fire within, and welcome more pleasure into your life.

Manifestation and Magnetism - Learn powerful techniques to attract your desires, align with your purpose, and co-create the life you truly crave.

Bottom up approach – by addressing the root you are saving money, time and speeding up your growth

Don't just take my word for it....

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"I recently wrapped up my 8 week 1:1 course with Anna after going through a really traumatic time in my life. She was able to do what 3 other therapists couldn’t do in months which was to help guide me back to the person I was 5 years ago.


We knew that person was in me and I could access her when I needed to… but we needed to bring her forward into the light and allow these different parts of me to really blend together to become this brand new, confident, joyful person..." (read Hannah's full story below)




There are two types of payment plans available! Simply mention which one you would like to use in your application.

2 payments of £555.50/m

6 payments of  £185.17/m



“Anna has been an absolute blessing in my life. After going through a series of devastating tragedies, I found myself completely lost and a mere shadow of my former happy self. I felt disconnected from both myself and my body, and happiness seemed like a distant memory. That’s when Anna, a true angel, entered my life and saved me in more ways than I can express. Through her expertly crafted 8-week 1-1 coaching program and reiki sessions, Anna guided me back to myself with such love and care. Now, I feel more grounded, rooted, and connected to my true essence than ever before. Understanding my emotions and realizing that they don’t define or control me has been transformative. I’ve embraced my authentic self with newfound pride and strength. Anna’s safe and supportive space allowed me to explore the darkest corners of my soul, and she was there for me every step of the journey. While my 1-1 sessions have come to an end, I am continuing with Reiki, as it has had a dramatic impact on my life. If you’re unsure about taking this leap, let me wholeheartedly encourage you to trust Anna and her incredible abilities. You won’t regret it, and a whole new life full of possibilities awaits you. Anna, thank you for being the guiding light I needed in my life.” 


Get a personal assessment for free

Get clarity on how I can guide you or if it is the right path for you! Friendly 30min chat. 


I offer a Discovery Call to help you take the first step towards achieving your  goals. During this chat, we'll get to know each other and discuss where you are now and where you want to be.


I'll ask you some questions to understand your needs and let you know how I can support and guide you. By the end of the call, you'll have a clear idea if this is the right path for you. Let's start your journey towards a happier and healthier you.

About Anna

Mindset Coach + Energy healing master.

I got into the holistic space through my own healing journey with overcoming trauma and a range of anxiety disorders.


My frustration with the health care system and passion for helping others led me to become trauma informed life coach. I have been using energy healing work since she was a teenager and it has been shown to be the missing puzzle piece in her clients healing journeys.

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