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Exploring the Depths: A Beginner's Guide to Starting Shadow Work

Shadow work is the process of exploring your “inner darkness” or “shadow self”. It is uncovering every part of you that has been repressed. It is one of the most authentic paths to enlightenment and a super empowering experience. We are beautiful people but there is a side we keep away. We all have a shadow self and it is best to work with every part of you. Be a union of Ying and Yang.

woman sitting on base of mnountain looking into the distance. deep colours,

Here’s how to start!

1. Cultivate a sense of unconditional love with yourself. Place hand on heart concentrating on breathing through the heart. Take your time with this and enjoy the experience. Thank yourself

2. Be courageously honest with yourself and focus on one aspect/person/emotion. What do you want to improve within yourself? What is low vibration? E.g. anger, jealousy, selfishness.

3. Go to the extreme what does E.g. selfishness mean to you? Record your discoveries. Self-reflection with NO judgment. The shadow self is not negative it is just the disowned parts of yourself and should not be ashamed of any emotions that arise.

You can also look up some prompts online to journal like “What’s the one thing you know you need to do but keep avoiding? Then write a step-by-step on how you could do it” or “What do you currently envy in somebody else’s life and why? What kind of emotions come up when you have access to those things you envy?

4. Fully embrace it feel it and be with it. Welcome it with love and acceptance. Have an inner dialogue. It is often uncomfortable to come to terms with your disowned parts this is because our ego tries to repress them so much.

5. Just witnessing and accepting the things you have tried to ignore releases such a great force and you will no longer be running from things.

6. Shadow Work is the most difficult but most rewarding. It helps you to take ownership of your issues and realize you have the power to do things differently. “Shadow work is not inherently about changing yourself. But if you do shadow work you will change!”

7. Have a shake maybe even laugh a little at yourself. Thank yourself for doing the deep work and know that you can feel lighter now you have addressed what you once ignored. Whole✨

I hope you found this helpful this is how I started working with my shadow self and it changed my outlook on myself and the world around me in such a positive way. It can be painful at times if working with triggers but know that even just having.


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