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Unlocking Your Inner Power: A 6-Step Guide to Embodying the Divine Feminine

A step-by-step guide that can transform your life like it did mine. There is no feeling like it. Each topic will have a meditation or breathwork technique included.

Try a topic a day to take everything in. I wish you all the best in this beautiful journey. These are just some of the benefits but it is an all-around way to feel yourself and be comfortable expressing your inner being.

Benefits of awakening the divine feminine


connect deeply with your body

Connecting back to your body is the first step to liberation. All these activities will build your relationship with your body again. Your body is your temple and does so many amazing things and once you start to appreciate that your outlook changes so much and you fall in love with the human body.

Body Scan Meditation

(Read meditation through at least once before practicing)

Step 1 - Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down. Close your eyes and start breathing deeply. Pay attention to the sensations. Feel the breath moving through the body. Take your time here.

Step 2 - Bring your awareness to your toes. What do they feel like? Start bringing your attention slowly up to each part of the body. Calves, knees. Bathe the knees in relaxation with your intention and breath. Thighs, hips, tummy, chest, hands, arms, neck, eyes, head.

Step 3 - You will be feeling super relaxed by now so enjoy the feeling. Smile you are one with your body. Sit with the feeling as long as you like. When you are ready to end. Open your eyes and wriggle your fingers and toes. If you feel spacey still go and drink a cold glass of water or wash your hands in cold water.


blocks, wounds and shame

This one gets deep so go easy on yourself and if emotions arise let yourself feel it all and release what no longer serves.

Clearing beliefs + Thoughtforms to get empowered through the divine feminine

(Read through at least once before practicing)

1) Choose a belief e.g. “I’m not pretty enough to find love” or “I will be happier when I achieve ___”

2) Ground yourself by intending so. Feel yourself connected to Earth. Ask for a picture/symbol that resembles this belief. Tell the body it is holding onto a lie take a deep breath and get ready to let go

3) Tear this picture/symbol up into 4 pieces and burn in a violet flame

4) Affirm a positive Affirmation such as “ I am perfect and love myself as I am right now”

Day 3

Your emotions are your human guidance scale. Emotions can even affect parts of the body causing aches and pains. Your body is your subconscious mind. This breath work technique below can help release this

Box Breathing

Box breathing helps you slow down, get to know yourself better, help you focus, relieve stress, and lead to self-acceptance, and a more enjoyable life. It also helps to deal with emotions

box breathing technique

Day 4


Intuition is a guidance system that we all have and can learn to develop. It is a connection to the higher self.

Third Eye Meditation

( Read through at least once before practicing )

1) Get in a comfortable sitting position with the spin straight hands on your knees and close your eyes. Taking long deep breaths relaxing into the body.

2) Bring your attention to your third eye chakra located between your eyebrows. You can also gaze in that direction while your eyes are closed r placing a couple of fingers on the third eye area.

3) Imagine a deep blue/purple ball of energy surrounding the area. Hold this image in your mind's eye for a few minutes. You may feel some tension or tingling which is normal

4) When you are ready to finish the meditation imagine a cord of light from your center and slowly extend it down to the center of the earth to ground yourself. You can now open your eyes

Day 5

Connecting to mother gaia / earth/ grounding

Connecting to Earth energy is SO powerful I like to practice this every day

Earth Meditation

1) Sit comfortably with your spine straight and feet on the ground. Take deep breaths relaxing into the body do this for a few moments.

2) Ground yourself and visualize a beautiful gold den sun above your crown. Let it pour down golden light all-overs your body bathing you

3) Bring awareness to the bottom of your feet. Say hello to Mother Gaia thank her for all she provides us and promise to look after her and respect her.

4) Open your foot chakras with intention and breathe by them.

5) Ask the earth to fill your body/being with her nurturing light. Enjoy this feeling for as long as you like.

Day 6

spread the joy, happiness and freedom

Spread that sweet joy of the divine feminine

Loving Awareness Meditation 

1) Get comfortable and focus on the breath birdwatching a little deeper than normal. pay attention to the sensations in the body. You can put one hand over your heart center if you feel. called to.

2) Consider someone that you love. Consider the love you have for this person. What does it feel like? Take a moment to send love to that person.

3) Let the emotion of love fill your entire being. As you continue to send love to them think of somebody else you love here or passed on and send them love to.

4) With all this love flowing through you send it out into the world. The universe. You could be sending love to somebody who needs it right now. Take a few moments to let your heart lose. Take deep breaths.

5) Now it’s time to bring that love home. Bringing it to its source. You! Turn it all inwards and bathe in the love and light overflowing with love as long as you like.

Thank you for participating and spreading the love and awakening your divine feminine. I hope you feel your beautiful powerful nature. Much love and light to you Goddess!

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